Call Now: 042-038-0055

We’ll enhance your performance.
Hull of a Scrub was born out of a desire to be underwater doing the jobs most people prefer not to or just can’t do – boat hull cleaning. First & foremost I’m a Mum – so I know how to clean. I am also a Professional Scuba Diver and Scuba Diving Instructor. I love being underwater so hiring me to clean the hull of your beautiful boat or yacht on a regular (or one-off) basis. It’s cost-effective, will save you money in fuel and your boat will look and run better. I will prolong the life of your anti-foul.
Here are some of the benefits of my services:
- I’m cheaper than dry-docking your boat.
- I’ll increase boat speed
- Improve Fuel Consumption
- Reduce re-antifouling cost
- Prevent engine overheating
- Reduce vibration in running gear
It’s better for your boat if we can schedule Monthly or Quarterly scrubs. I do One-off bottom cleans if you want to try me out first.
I dive with a GoPro Hero3 camera – so I record the “before” & “after” for you to inspect later. Visual Inspections documented in video & photographs really do help you to make the best choices for your boat – by seeing exactly what’s happening underneath.
I do change anodes/zincs too. If you provide the anodes I will change them for you.
Dis-entanglements & Prop freeing – props get caked in slime and tangled up in reeds making it hard work to get your boat moving. I can dis-entangle and clean up your prop/s and rudders too and scrape off any unwanted life forms that may have hitched a ride. Take a look a Diva
Search & Recovery – did you drop something overboard? I can get it just give me a call and I’ll find it for you. I’ve recovered wallets, mooring lines, rudders, and a bag of CDs too. Anything is possible even in the dirty waters.
Allow me to clean your boat’s bottom – whilst you sip your cocktail in the sun. I love doing the dirty work.
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Check out some of our work below and there’s more on Youtube:-